App.core.js CORE The heart and soul of SmartAdmin - Responsive WebApp
Debugging console.log
Usage | Returns | Description |
null |
Pushes selected classes from the body tag to localstorage/database
- |
Remove classes from body & saves to localstorage/database
- | Clears your localStorage effectively removing all settings and panel configs | |
- | Indicator for Save Settings (mostly aesthetics) | |
- |
Push array to body tag. See saving to database for more details
string |
Fetch class names from body and convert them to JSON string. See saving to database for more details
string | Detects webkit and chrome browsers | |
string | Detects whether device is desktop or mobile | |
- | Saves app settings to localstorage | |
- | Saves app settings to localstorage | |
string | Saves app settings to localstorage | |
bool | Saves app settings to localstorage | |
- | Saves app settings to localstorage | |
- | Fires a series of events, see "Initialization shell" to your left, for more details. |
Action buttons
Action Type | Description |
Push data-class to body element
data-action="toggle" data-class="class-a class-b" data-target="#ID"
data-action="toggle-swap" data-class="class-a class-b" data-target="#ID"
Push array to body tag. See saving to database for more details
data-action="theme-update" data-theme="path_to_css/css.css"
Print page (similar to pressing CTRL/CMD + P)
Activates broswer's fullscreen command (may not work in all browsers)
Load scripts on demand
data-action="app-fullscreen" data-loadurl="script.js" data-loadfunction="functionName()" or you can also use initApp.loadScript("js/my_lovely_script.js", myFunction)
Play sounds using data-action="playsound" data-soundpath="media/sound/" data-soundfile="filename" (no file extensions)
Config settings
var myapp_config = { root_: $('body'), root_logo: $('.page-sidebar > .page-logo') throttleDelay: 450, filterDelay: 150, thisDevice: null, isMobile: (/iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())), mobileMenuTrigger: null, mobileResolutionTrigger: 992, isWebkit: ((!! && !! === true ||'Constructor') > 0 === true), isChrome: (/chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())), isIE: ( (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') ) > 0 === true ), debugState: true, rippleEffect: true, mythemeAnchor: '#mytheme', navAnchor: '#js-primary-nav', navHooks: '#js-primary-nav > ul.navigation' navClosedSign: 'ni ni-chevron-down', navOpenedSign: 'ni ni-chevron-up', navAccordion: true, navInitalized: 'js-nav-built', navFilterInput: $('#nav_filter_input'), navHorizontalWrapperId: 'js-nav-menu-wrapper', navSpeed: 500, navClosedSign: 'fal fa-angle-down', navOpenedSign: 'fal fa-angle-up', appDateHook: $('.js-get-date'), storeLocally: true, jsArray : [] };
Initilization shell
/* App initialize */ var initApp = (function(app) { app.saveSettings = function () { ... } app.resetSettings = function () { ... } app.accessIndicator = function () { ... } app.pushSettings = function (DB_string) { ... } app.getSettings = function () { ... } app.detectBrowserType = function () { ... } app.addDeviceType = function() { ... } app.windowScrollEvents = function () { ... } app.checkNavigationOrientation = function() { ... } app.buildNavigation = function() { ... } app.mobileCheckActivation = function(){ ... } app.toggleVisibility = function (id) { ... } app.domReadyMisc = function() { /* get app date */ /* activate last tab used */ /* activate/destroy slimscroll */ /* activates tooltip */ /* activates image lazyload mechanic */ /* enable dropdown */ /* enable ripple effect */ /* attach action buttons */ /* menu tap actions (for mobile) */ /* initialize windows mobile 8 fix for BS4 */ ... } return app; })({}); /* Bind the throttled handler to the resize event */ $(window).resize( $.throttle( myapp_config.throttleDelay, function (e) { /* (1a) ADD CLASS WHEN BELOW CERTAIN WIDTH (MOBILE MENU) */ initApp.mobileCheckActivation(); }) ); /* Bind the throttled handler to the scroll event */ $(window).scroll( $.throttle( myapp_config.throttleDelay, function (e) { /* EVENTS */ ... }) ); /* Initiate scroll events */ $(window).on('scroll', initApp.windowScrollEvents); /* Document loaded event */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { /* detect desktop or mobile */ initApp.addDeviceType(); /* detect Webkit Browser */ initApp.detectBrowserType(); /* a. check for mobile view width and add class .mobile-view-activated */ initApp.mobileCheckActivation(); /* b. build navigation */ initApp.buildNavigation(myapp_config.navHooks); /* c. run DOM misc functions */ initApp.domReadyMisc(); });